Wednesday, May 5, 2010

After the Turbulence

This is a very sad poem... I created this after my Father's burial last 2005 while I was in the RORO Bus from Visayas going to Luzon...

I rage a battle in my mind
where the fight I have created is with a loved one

The sound so intense,
It's pricking my heart and I cried alone in the morning dark

Then suddenly..
Back to reality
Morning has broken and its bright outside
And I started to wonder
if my future is as bright as the morning light

Then the drama tries to creep again
And I gasped for my drug..
Nailing myself to the present moment
praying that my mind won't leave me again

The clock is ticking like hell
and the whole day I spent myself alone..



Fading helplessly among the crowds

It seems like another story is beginning..
Another beginning that is never ending..

And Im tired..

I struggle to hold my tears..
I gasped myself for air
as I feel the need to breath..

So I inhale...
wishing the drama in my mind to go away
as I exhale...

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